How to Book Parties From Parties and Keep Your Bookings Calendar Full

Questions I hear a lot from direct sellers are, “How do I book parties from parties? I can get a party or two, but I don’t get any bookings from those parties. How do I keep my calendar full?” It’s one thing to fill your calendar one time, but if you can’t keep it full with new hosts, you’ll never get outside the dreaded friends and family circle.

The goal of every party-loving direct sales consultant should be to have a self-sustaining calendar that is a constant churn of new and returning hosts and customers. Trust me when I say you don’t want to keep revisiting your friends and family every time your calendar slips. It gets old. Fast. Here are my favorite tips and tricks to keep my calendar full.

​Set a Party Booking Goal

Setting a party booking goal is a huge first step in keeping a full calendar. A booking goal gives you a benchmark for measuring the overall success of each party. If you consistently hit your booking goal, you know what you’re doing is working, and you should keep rockin’ it! If you regularly miss the goal, you know something needs to be changed within your booking system.

How do you know what your booking goal should be? I suggest setting a goal of at least 2. Adding two new parties to your calendar from each of your existing parties gives you one to replace the party that just happened and another to grow.

On average, if you only book one party from each party, what happens when a host is sick or decides to join your team? A hole just got blown in your calendar, and now you have to scramble to plug it up. On the other hand, having a buffer of an extra party keeps you from panicking and ensures you have a constant flow of new hosts and customers for your business.

Coach Your Host to an Attendance Goal

Once you have a booking goal for each party, it’s time to set an attendance goal. This might sound weird, but it works! If you know that, on average, for every ten party-goers, you get one booking, then you should set a goal with your host of getting 20-30 guests that RSVP. This gives you plenty of people to offer the hosting opportunity to and schedule parties with.

Setting a goal with your host might feel awkward at first, but trust me when I say your host wants a number. You’re the expert and should know exactly what your host needs regarding attendance to make the party successful for you and her.

Engage With Guests

We already talked about what needs to happen before the party, but what about during the party? What can you do to make sure you hit your goal of 2 new bookings from every single party?

First, be engaging. Talk to your guests, especially at a virtual party. I had a personal rule that every comment from a guest got a reply from me. If my party-goers commented on how they knew the host, I would reply and ask a follow-up question to keep the conversation going.

Second, build relationships. I’ve seen way too many direct sellers hiding behind their computer screens, afraid or following a “set it and forget it” strategy. Your business is not a crockpot. You can’t just schedule some posts and walk away for hours or days at a time. Would it be nice if it worked that way? Absolutely. Does it work that way? Nope!

And finally, you need to have fun at your party! It’s a PARTY! Play party games. Use funny gifs and stickers. Laugh at yourself if you make a mistake. Don’t make it all about the sale. Provide tons of value and make it fun!

If you’re at an in-person party, the same rules apply. Don’t just answer questions, ask them. Engage guests in conversations so they get to know you as more than the person trying to sell them stuff. And have fun!

Look For Red Flags

I’m not sure I like calling them “red flags” because it has a negative connotation, but I’m sure you get the idea. Look for the red flags, flashing lights, and sirens that scream, “THIS PERSON SHOULD BOOK A PARTY!”

What do those look like? I’m glad you asked.

  • It’s the person who mentions they don’t have enough money to purchase right now. Hello, host savings!
  • It’s the person who mentions that they love everything. Most people can’t afford to buy it all at once, right?
  • Or what about the guest who wants a big-ticket item? I’ve met very few people in my life who actually want to pay full price.

These are all red flags that these guests are good booking prospects. These are the people you want to offer the hosting opportunity to first.

Build Desire for Hosting

Another tip, and one that a lot of direct sellers miss, is to build a desire for hosting. Think about the monthly specials that your company offers for hosts. (If they don’t, that’s okay. Just think about a higher-priced customer favorite.)

Whatever month you’re trying to book, showcase those products at your current parties. And I don’t mean just sharing the host special and hoping people jump. I mean, SELL that product. Talk about the features and benefits. Share how it will save them time or money.

Think about it. If you build a desire for this one amazing product and get everyone all excited about how it’s going to rock their world, don’t you think guests might jump at the opportunity to get it at a discount by having their own party? Yeah, it happens ALL the time! So, whatever month needs more parties, use that host special to drive your party content and build desire for the special.

Another way to build the desire for hosting is by adding value to your parties. People don’t always book parties to save. They book for fun and education, too.

Fun + Value = Successful Direct Sales Parties

Offer tips and tricks. Teach them something new during a Facebook Live. Share your favorite time-saving hacks made possible by your product. Do a little bingo and offer a small prize — prizes automatically make things fun.

By making your parties fun and value-driven, your guests will want to book their own parties so they can see what you’re going to share next.

Get Your Host Involved

When your host is involved and looking for the bookings, she’ll do most of the work for you. During your host coaching, make sure she knows the benefits she will receive when one of her friends schedules their own party. Is there an extra goody at her party? What about a future benefit she needs to know about?

You can also ask her which of her party guests would make a rockstar host themselves, then make a note to reach out to them during the party! If it’s a Facebook party, ask her to tag her friends to make sure they see it when you post about hosting.

Just Ask

The Ask is another pain point for many direct sellers. They feel awkward because they don’t like asking people for things. I get it. You don’t want to be pushy, salesy, or spammy.

But the truth is that most party guests will not jump up and down and wave their arms, asking you to pick them as your next host. Wouldn’t that be nice? So you have to ask.

I can hear your questions now. What should I say? Or I ask, and I don’t get a yes. What now?

Here’s a simple three-step booking formula you can use to create your party Ask.

  1. What are you excited about? Think host specials, new catalog, etc.
  2. What made you think of them? Was she an awesome party guest? Did she express an interest in a big-ticket item?
  3. Ask them to host! Don’t leave this part out. I know it’s scary at first, but you have to actually ask a question for someone to answer it. Plus, it’ll get easier the more you do it.

See? Simple as 1, 2, 3—literally.

Keep it friendly and light, and avoid the mile-long word-vomiting messages we know we’ve all sent at some point in our careers.

Create a Sense of Urgency

Sometimes, potential hosts need a reason to book a party now rather than later. One way to create a sense of urgency to book now is to offer a short-term reason or incentive, all of which can be done in a non-pressure, non-spammy way.

Giving them a reason to book a party now can be anything from an upcoming host special to a special booking gift or just wrapping up the current party to make sure your host gets credit. New catalogs, retiring products, and special sales are other great incentives. Be creative and give your party guests a reason why booking now is better for them than waiting to book later.

Offer a Booking Gift

This one is easy enough. When someone books a party at your party, give them a booking gift (don’t forget to write this off on your taxes! Direct Sidekick does this automatically for you when you remove the gift from your inventory!). It doesn’t have to be big and make sure it’s easy to give to them. Nothing big and bulky that you have to stand in line for hours to mail.

Think of small products that are easy to ship that are already sitting in your product stash. Consider fairly inexpensive items but fun products you can add to their host order at their party.

And don’t overthink this. You can give them the gift at the time of booking or wait until they hold their own party—your choice. I’ve done it both ways and didn’t notice a huge difference in cancellations if they got the gift at the time of booking.

Give Your Host a Challenge

Want one more tried and true tip? Offer your current host a special gift when she has three friends schedule their own parties!

Your hosts are your number one business referral tool. If you’ve done your job, educated your host, gotten her some free stuff while having fun, and made the experience seamless for her, your hosts will refer you to their friends and family.

And offering a bonus goody when she has three bookings does a few different things.

First, it gets to aim past your goal of 2 bookings per party, which means you’re more likely to hit the original goal of 2. Sneaky, right?

Second, everyone loves extra freebies. Talk it up with your hosts during host coaching if you plan to offer something extra. I found that most hosts would work for the bookings on my behalf when I offered the bonus goody. And it doesn’t have to be huge. Test out a few different things to see what works best for your people.

Consistently booking parties isn’t magic, but as you can see, it’s a mixture of focused intention, strategic use of party content, and attention to detail that makes all the difference.

FYI: Direct Sidekick is accounting software built for direct sellers, network marketers, crafters, vendors, VRBO owners, and many other home-based business owners. Create an account and start tracking your income, expenses, and inventory.

About the Author: Steve Nauta

10 Ways to Book Parties From Parties 1
Steve Nauta is the founder of Direct Sidekick, a direct sales software company that helps its clients enjoy greater success in direct selling by working smarter and more efficient.

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